
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Autumnal Dinner party...

With every change in season we throw a small dinner party for our closest friends at Eden, our Edwardian villa in town. It is a chance to get together and celebrate with good wine and seasonal food, and also an opportunity to try out new table-scapes and ideas. This year it was also our first chance to 'test-drive' the newly redecorated dining room.

We decided to try to catch the falling leaves of autumn in a still-life cascade. We collected various deciduous leaves and touched them up with a light coat of gold paint. We then strung them on thin nylon and draped them from the chandelier in the dining room.

We scattered the remaining leaves over the centre of the table and added some nesting 'quail'.

For the invitations we used some metallic bronze card and copper ribbon, and gold paint on a rubber stamp of an Acanthus leaf:

1 comment:

  1. what an inventive use of leaves dahhling...
