
Friday, July 1, 2011

Settling In...

Well now,

The move was not as traumatic as we had anticipated, and we are now fully ensconced in some very charming temporary accommodation down the road from Willowbrook. In the midst of the shift we had quite a bit of farm work to do. All 3 flocks of sheep and the goats needed their hooves trimming and all the animals needed drenching. All this had to, of course, co-incide with a fortnight of heavy rain (I can tell you wet, pregnant sheep are very heavy when you have to flip them on their backs, even more fun in a muddy tail-race). It has cleared up a bit over the last few days thankfully.

Four weeks ago we had adorable boy and girl twin lambs born to one of our Suffolks out of season. Unfortunately 2 weeks after they were born their mother died of unknown causes. Luckily, there is a lovely sense of community in the country, and we were able to drop the orphaned lambs off at the pre-school down the road with some milk powder, and the children there have been bottle feeding them for us three times a day and giving them lots of love and attention.

Yesterday one of our Dorsets gave birth too (I suspect we have a couple more on the way as well). Mother and lamb seem to be doing well, as are the rest of the flock.

Work is keeping me very bust at present, and I am currently on a week of night shift, however I look forward to sharing some pictures of a Winter Willowbrook with you all shortly. Bye for now.

'All we like sheep' from Handel's Messiah

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