
Monday, August 15, 2011


Here's a little weather update for all those Ex-pats out there, and others who are interested. It's very cold here at Willowbrook...

The whole of New Zealand is experiencing a freak antartic blizzard, with cold southerlies blowing up from the south pole and conditions conspiring to make it difficult throughout the country.

We have even had an hour of snow at Willowbrook (and the last time it snowed in Hamilton was 72 years ago!).

The Met service says New Zealand is having a one-in-50-year polar blast - a bitterly cold southerly has caused snow to fall in areas of New Zealand which do not usually receive it, making roads impassable in many areas of both islands, closing airports and cutting power to thousands.

Authorities across the country have warned motorists to avoid all non-essential travel.

The new -born lambs and goatlings are not impressed, trying their best to draw their heads back into their bodies like turtles!


  1. This sounds so strange, I hope you have a wood burning fire place.
    Praying for it to blow over fast, and that those sweet babies are OK and no damage.

  2. I could not believe what I was seeing on the news...I have family in Matamata, Tauranga and Auckland as well as friends in BOP and Waikato, and they are all feeling the effects. Stay warm!

  3. Have seen the pics on the news & it's quite something! As MOTH would say it's a ten dog night-snuggle down & keep warm.
    Millie x
