
Sunday, February 12, 2012

The NZ vs Australia Polo Match 2012...

After a hard week of study, I took yesterday off and we went with friends to the Australia vs New Zealand Polo Match. Just like the Previous International, it was a great day out. Beautiful weather, lots of good food and wine, and fantastic company. Here are some pics of the day...

Above: Peter with Chris and Robyn, and our host, Beth.

Below: One of the players took a tumble during the Colts curtain raiser match.

Above: For a while there was someone out in his microlyte, making the most of the glorious weather.

Below: One of the up and comers on his little pony for the children's chukka.

The New Zealand Team comprised of

JP Clarkson (No 3 Jersey)...

Sam Hopkinson (No 2 Jersey)

Jimmy Wood (No 1 Jersey)

and Tom Hunt (No 4 Jersey).

It was a very evenly played match, close until the end...

Below: Ball in mid air behind pony's back right leg about to be hit

NZ scored the winning goal within a minute of the last Chukka (sorry Millie, and no Nacho either)

There was of course the traditional stomping of the divots...

With many dressed up for the occasion...

At the end of the game both sides were knackered...

Above: The Aussies, Below: The Kiwis

I bought a great pair of white polo jeans there too, although they won't stay white for long...

I'm looking forward to starting my Polo lessons after my exams are out of the way (Peter bought me some coaching sessions for my Birthday)

I wonder if we will ever end up seeing an Elephant Polo game...


  1. I don't know much about polo, but I do know about beautiful weather, good food and wine, open green spaces, vigorous sporting contests and summer clothes. My ideal lifestyle :)

  2. Very fun photos and what perfect weather. We go through a lot of bleach in this house. Bleach and oxyclean - playing jeans' best friends!

  3. It will be interesting following your blog. I just stumbled upon it. It is way different than here on Lake Michigan so I hope to enjoy each visit for the change. Jack
