
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Canterbury Tales Part Two...

The next day we went up into a forest and practised shooting some clay pigeons with our host's new Beretta.  We fired down the line between these trees..

Our hosts were great shots...

We didn't do too badly either...

We were both given a recap on basic firearms safety and then some tips on shooting the clays before getting right into it...

It was great to try out his SV 10 Perennia, as I am still shopping around to decide which shotgun I'll end up getting. Quite impressed with the Beretta, and it would go so well with my Wellingtons...

I didn't do so badly. Once I got into my stride I was hitting them almost every time. When I tried from a gun down position I didn't have as much luck. I am going to join the Waikato Clay Target Club, which is just down the road from Willowbrook, so that I can really brush up on my skills for next time...

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