
Monday, October 15, 2012

Weather Bomb...

A nasty weather bomb descended across the north island yesterday, and upon Willowbrook. One of our 3 year old Plane trees was snapped in half and many of our new trees blown over. It was difficult driving home with the twigs and leaves and rain hitting the windows. We fared better than some parts of the island, where roofs were ripped off and windows blown in. Just a little way down our road several mature trees were uprooted or torn apart by the winds...


Despite the bad weather, our second Highland Cow decided it was time to give birth. Here are some pictures taken in the calm after the storm...

 Even the Herefords were nosey...

At least The Bluebell Walk has managed to survive to buffeting winds (so far)...

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic blog.
    From now, we follow you
    Yours sincerely,
    Laura and Lisa
