
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Kew Garden Rhizotron...

I was going through some photos We took at Kew last year, getting inspiration for the park, and came across some we took of their tree-top walk called 'The Rhizotron/Xstrata Walk'.

It is a 200m long walkway, designed by Marks Barfield, which takes you 60 feet up in the air to walk amongst the tree tops. 

It gives you some great views over Kew and London...

The view from the top is very different from the view at the bottom...

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed our visit to Kew a number of years ago, but this had not yet been erected. My only gripe about the place is the incessant noise of aircraft taking off and landing at nearby Heathrow, which seems to destroy one of the main attributes of a garden. I'm with Boris on the estuary airport plan; Heathrow was after all only built for wartime use, and the constant overhead traffic blights life in central London too. I suppose at least Concorde doesn't shatter the cocktail glass at 6 pm anymore.
