
Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Dubbo Chronicles No.2

Well, it will be three weeks tomorrow since I arrived in Dubbo and time passes quickly when one is finding one's feet.

The homesickness pangs have started to sneak in now and then. Foolish things, like waking up in the morning and turning over to find that there is no cup of coffee waiting for you on the bedside table, or dropping one's toast on the floor and calling for the dog, only to realise he's not there.

People have continued to be friendly and all my colleagues are lovely people. The work is varied and exciting. I have seen my first snake bites and spider bites (and coming from a country that has no poisonous animals it seems quite exciting). There seems to be a real need in the area, and it is the last major hospital before you hit the large nothing to the west.

Life at Willowbrook is ticking on. I hear that we have bought a new tractor and lawnmower; that our head gardener and farm manager has everything under control.

We had the final Highland calf born - a boy, and have sold 4 of the other calves, which means that we can now buy a bull for the fold. Peter has sourced a lovely much handled 5 year old pedigree bull, called McIntyre...

He should arrive in March, just in time to do the business.

Well, that's all for now. I am enjoying keeping up with everyone's blogs now that after 3 weeks I finally have broadband - Yay. It is just about time for another installment of the Great Estates Series, so I shall get onto that for this weekend.

Till then I'll leave you with this charming song I came across: These foolish things (remind me of you)...

1 comment:

  1. Dear David,
    I'm glad all is well up there in Dubbo (although being in Germany I guess I should say 'down there') It is hard to be far away from all you know and love. I understand. At least these days one isn't quite as isolated - thanks to the internet.
    Bye for now
    McIntyre looks a sturdy enough chap!
