
Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Dubbo Chronicles No.3 ... Kangaroos


Life in Dubbo ticks by. I spent my day off on Tuesday shopping. I bought some nice art for the walls of the flat, and a few object d'arts to make it feel more homely. I thought that I should buy some really nice things, that I could bring home with me for the manor house, rather than decorating with a few cheap and disposable pieces that I would choose to leave behind. I compromised on a few things, such as crockery and glassware; but somethings, like good quality bed linen, really aren't negotiable.

Anyway, this blog is dedicated to one of our newest followers, Fran (from Dubbo!) who wanted another installment of The Dubbo Chronicles. So, here it is: my exciting first encounter with Kangaroos!

Last night on my way to dinner I drove past 2 Kangaroos on the road. I [not so gently] applied the brakes and ground to a halt. I had heard about herds of 'Roos' all over the place but had yet to see any. Most of the vehicles around town have mightily industrial 'Roo-Bars' on them, because if you hit one of these creatures it can do some serious damage to One's grill. Anyway, these two little blighters hopped happily away through the fence and into the twilight, but not before I had managed to take a few snaps...

The weather here remains as dry as back home. We have had a few storms around the region, but no significant rain in Dubbo. I went to Orange with a friend last week. Orange was a lovely town. It was much greener than Dubbo, and had a lot of nice restaurants and wineries; but perhaps that should be the subject of a future post...

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