
Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Dubbo Chronicles No.10: Riddle me this...

What is that which in the morning goeth upon four feet; upon two feet in the afternoon; and in the evening upon three?

Recently I went to a town called Orange with a friend from Dubbo. Orange is a country town one third of the way towards Sydney from Dubbo.

As some readers will know, I have been looking for a pair of giant sphinxes for quite a while, and I managed to find them in Orange. I found them at a shop called The Complete Garden.

Annie and Rob, the owners, were extraordinarily helpful. There was actually only one in the shop and the line had been discontinued. So, they did some calling around and found another one up in Queensland, and Rob drove up and collected it and united it with the one they had in their store, and then he drove both of them down to Sydney and dropped them off to the cargo company at the port. They should be on the water to WBP this week!

Above: One of the sphinxes. It is a French Mannerist-style Sphinx.

Below: The eventual position of the pair.

They were very excited about our project, and had sent a photo into the local newspaper along with an explanation that they were supplying the sphinxes to WBP in NZ!

Below: Another Mannerist-styled sphinx

and some more sphinxes...

The answer to the well known riddle of the Sphinx: Man.


  1. Well done. I'm a great believer that if we want something badly enough it - or they - will find us... And voila! Now the two sphinxes you wanted and the last two at that... I say that's more than chance.

  2. How lovely! Good to know there are still places you can purchase quality garden ornaments and sales people that will go the extra mile - and quite literally by the sound of it.

  3. Very nice, David. Isn't it fab when you are searching around for something special and finally find exactly what you are looking for? A nice sense of secret satisfaction is in order. I think these will look very nice when in situ. When it is all finished I intend to try and pay your place a visit!
