
Monday, July 15, 2013

The Dubbo Chronicles No 12: Sold to a private collector for an undisclosed sum!

Yesterday my friend Fran and I went to the annual Dubbo antique fair. It was a really too small for it to have been called a fair, with only about 10 dealers there; but given Dubbo only has one antique store, it was worth a look...

I had gone with the intention of looking for some larger pieces of Wedgwood. However, there were none to be had - not even for ready money. There was a little bit of silver, but anything vaguely interesting did have a fairly high price tag attached...

I almost bought this sweet little stirling silver salt spoon. Not sure why I didn't now!

I did happen across this frosted glass ornament which I thought looked reminiscent of a somewhat famous French artisan's work...

It reminded me of a Lalique, and so I acquired the item for a very reasonable sum, only to find that it was indeed a Lalique piece. The dealer did not seem to know what he had.

It will go along side the two other pieces we have at home...

 Then I found this set of decanter tags. I had half been on the lookout for a nice set of these for a while, but couldn't seem to find a matching set of antique ones. These are stirling silver Victorian tags with silver belcher chains.

My final little purchase was a gold belcher chain...

All in all not a bad little haul, and to top the morning off, my friend won the door prize, a gift voucher for one of the dealers!

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