
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Winding and Wandering Wisteria...

I love wisteria. We had a lovely Triffid-like wisteria at Eden, which would require a hearty annual trim to remove all the new tendrils from the eaves and guttering. 

Above and below: Triffid-like Wisteria

In pondering where we could have it at WBP it dawned on me that the traditional place for it would be growing up the columns on the colonnade. When we went to Houghton they have a lovely thick specimen there growing around columns of their pergola...

Other examples of wisteria-clad colonnades and pergolas...

A very well maintained, and probably very young Wisteria...


  1. We have it growing on a pergola on our terrace back in Melbourne. It is nice to sit our there and take breakfast when it is in flower.
    The upper terraces at Menton have the most beautiful, scented wisteria pergolas I have seen.

  2. The wisteria tunnel is stunning! I've also been pondering whether we could grow one here (climate) and where to put it. Please post some photos once you decide where your's will go.
