
Friday, January 31, 2014

Olive Grove...

Here are some pictures of our olive grove. It is amazing to compare the progress over 3 years. Above a photo now, below, a picture of a similar view 3 years ago...

 Below: A picture of the entrance, soon to be a sweeping tunnel through dense alders from the lake into the grove...

A panorama of the grove from entrance to end...

We plan over time to make the olive grove an Italian themed garden. We plan to put a stone benches around it (a wooden bench we originally put there has not survived the elements). On either side of the benches will be potted lemon trees; and hopefully we will find room for a traditional wood-fired pizza oven for the ultimate Italianate dream: picking olives straight from the tree to put on the pizza and fire. What a lovely way to enjoy a summer evening!


  1. It has been fun watching you grow all this time, looking wonderful.
    you must feel such accomplishment.

  2. An olive grove is something that AGA and I intend to have as well. When we begin I think that I shall come seeking your advice!
    Stay cool!
