
Monday, January 20, 2014

Progress Report: Week 21...

After a couple of weeks off for Christmas, the builders have got straight back into the project. This week the trusses went up, ready for the slate roof to go on in a fortnight. We were originally going to have a 'slate-look' pressed steel roof, but our builders have managed to source some real slates, so it will now look even more authentic.

All the timber framing is up for the rooms on the second floor as well, and the plumbing is starting to go in. After the roof is on the windows and doors should arrive. Once they are installed the block work for the Colonnades, Carriage house and Chapel will commence.


  1. Dear David,
    It is all looking splendid. I'm glad you were able to source slate for the roof. Is it local or imported?
    A Happy New Year to you both, Kirk.
    By the way, I hope that toay's earthquake didn't affect this area!

    1. Slate is from NZ. Tremours felt from earthquake, but nothing else.

  2. It's looking great already. How exciting. You will have felt the tremors from the earthquake, but I hope it wasn't too scary, nor that it caused any loss to people and places. The Ring of Fire has been rather active in NZ of late. Repeatedly.

    1. Luckily epicentre was a few hundred kilometres away. No damage for us. We are also lucky that there is a stretch of peat land around Hamilton which tends to absorb tremours.

    2. Dear Columnist, I am now unable to view The Corinthian Column as I have not been invited! I was wondering if you could please invite me as I do so love your blog.
      Kind Regards,
      David, from Willowbrook Park.
