
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Finest Piece Yet...

Yesterday I decided, as it was one of my few days off, to treat myself. After going to the gym, followed by a home cooked full-English (one makes the other possible), I decided to visit the local antique store. I had not been there for about a year, so I thought they may have acquired some new pieces.

The moment I walked through the door I espied this beautiful Jasperware urn, which had evidently arrived only the day before. Well, the ink was barely dry on the price tag before the lady was wrapping it up again ready for it to wing its way back to NZ next week when I go home to see Peter.

 Above: Front and Back
Below: Side and Top

It stands 32cm (12") tall. It is not as large as some pieces I found at Harrods last year, but was much more affordable...

Above and Below: Wedgwood at Harrods.

We have stopped collecting small pieces as we have plenty of those, and are focusing on larger or more unusual items. We want the china room to be a private collection of note, not resemble grandmother's curio cabinet.


  1. Hello, I have the same Dancing Hours urn, in a terracotta color, a present from my husband for my last birthday. Yours will look lovely in your china room I'm certain of it. How wonderful that you stumbled on this piece just when you least expected it.

  2. Very handsome. I have long admired basalt Jasperware as well.

  3. A terrific find! Focusing on larger pieces is an excellent idea ... albeit rather more punishing to one's check book... RD

  4. oh very jealous! yes i had to stop collecting the small pieces as well as I was getting to many -they're just so easy to find and economical that it can be tempting!
