
Sunday, November 30, 2014

What a month...

As I slump into an arm chair and reach for a bottle of chilled water amidst the inferno that is the 40 degree city of Dubbo, I reflect on what a strained month it has been. A month of highs and lows, of days where I've felt energized and dynamic and days when I've felt worn down and tired.

Willoughby's death is still keenly painful, as the reality slowly sinks in. Thank you to all those who sent their kind condolences.

The building project, as almost all large builds do, is spiraling over time and over budget despite a sterling effort on the part of all involved with the project to keep things on track. Several containers of building materials, inc stone, cornicing, domes, and cupolas have taken months longer to arrive than anticipated, as have the windows and kitchen, which means that there has not been a lot that the builders could do without them on site. We are now looking at a shift in date of January/February, opening for business in April; and the chapel is in peril due to budget over-runs.

But it's not been all bad news. I received a promotion at work, to Deputy Director, which had me elated for several days, because it was sure recognition of all the effort I have put in over the last two years.

Tonight I flew back home to NZ, flying close to Willowbrook as we came in to land at Hamilton...

The green makes a nice change from the views out of the plane window leaving Dubbo...

Peter will be coming over to Dubbo this year for Christmas. So he shall get to enjoy the sweltering desert in the height of summer. I shall be back in NZ again for my birthday in January. Hopefully we will be able to celebrate it in the manor. I will share some more pictures of the progress when I get back to Dubbo.

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