
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Up Up and Away....

Despite feeling despondent about the two month 'down tools' time (due to the materials not being on site for the builders to be able to continue any work), my last trip home wasn't all bad. We met up with a friend at Willowbrook who had brought his new Phantom 2 Vision drone for us to play with.

It was quite an impressive piece of kit, designed for the prosumer market.

It had an HD camera in an auto-levelling gantry hung below the quadcopter. We were able to get some quite stunning aerial shots of our project...

Above: A shot looking east towards the manor and carriage house.

Below: Looking north into the Nymphaeum.
Above: A view directly down into the Nymphaeum from 200m high.

Below: A view directly down into the Potager from 150m high.

Below: A view directly down onto Badger's Wood from 200m high.

Above: A view from above the olive grove looking north west over the estate. The lake is somewhat empty and needs topping up after a final landscaping effort this autumn during which we will put in the bridge and the folly, and some stones around the margin.

So, delays aside, it is very different from a year ago. We are hoping to have some interior photos to share next month. Till then thanks for dropping by and keeping up with the progress.


  1. technology is just amazing! These are so fun.

  2. Some lovely aerial shots - you can certainly see the layout easily. The potager and nymphaeum in particular are stunning. Hope the needed equipment arrives soon so that work can continue.

  3. What fantastic shots! They really put the entire project into perspective. It will be great to take the same pictures but in a year or two's time and compare the progress - I'm referring more to the Natural progress, as I'm sure you'd hope to see a lot more progress in a years time.
    Keep up the great work.

  4. What fascinating shots from your drone - a much better employment for such a vehicle than that used militarily. The estate is coming on so well, and at least the down time on building allows the foliage up time!

  5. wow! so much has been done since you started to blog,I have been following you from the first! its all amazing! can't wait to see more of it as times passes.Its going to be so lovely!

  6. You've taken on such an unimaginably massive task...but it's only now I can see it unfurling. So brave you must be, and so committed! Good luck to you!

  7. Amazing shots, I can't believe you have a drone!

  8. This looks to be rather a fun way of surveying your lovely landscape, which is taking shape very fast.
