
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Hooray and Up She Rises...

I was very happy to be home last week to see several small milestones met on the building project. The first small but satisfying moment was seeing the erection of the clock tower and weather vane on top of the carriage house.

It arrived at the end of last year and had been wrapped up on a pellet inside the foyer... 

There was talk about getting a crane in to set it atop the roof, but when the digger was on site to start on the courtyard contouring the builders decided they would use a combination of the digger and the construction of a roof ladder to shift the components up there themselves, which proved an ingenious idea...

Above: The digger lifting the carcass of the tower up to the builders.

Below: The tower sitting on the lowest rung of the roof ladder.

Above and below: The tower being shifted up the ladder rung by rung...

Once the tower was up on the base and secured they did the same with the lead pagoda-styled roof...

And then assembled the weather vane, checking the compass points were accurate (the weather vane is set to true north whereas the manor is built on magnetic north)...

A sense of accomplishment...

Now it just needs to have its electrics wired and then it will be fully functional!

We are now fully back in the blogosphere, with 14 posts set to be published during the month of March, so due visit regularly, as we would love to share our progress with you.


  1. It looks fabulous! What great builders you have too - that lead roof must've weighed a tonne.

    1. Yes, they are a good bunch of guys. They always think of ingenious ways to solve the many problems of building a unique home.

  2. The perfect finishing touch, like a jewel in a crown. What an ingenious solution to raise it atop the roof - well done, it looks perfect!

    1. Thanks CD. We are very pleased with the way it finishes off the roof line. DLC.

  3. Such great work. Things are really starting to take shape. It must be so exciting to watch all your plans come to fruition. Looking forward to the upcoming blog posts!

    1. Thank you. I do hope you come to visit when you are next back in Hamilton. Things are coming to fruition much slower than anticipated, so we have come to learn how to celebrate the small milestones and how not become too disheartened.

      We just found out today that the flooring is stuck on the docks in Malta, and instead of arriving 2 weeks ago will not arrive for another 8 weeks! This was a bit of a blow.

  4. This looks spectacular, well done. I have also ordered a clock tower for our stable project and it's due to arrive in 4 weeks time. I can't wait!. If ours looks as good as yours, I'll be delighted,

    1. I hope you are every bit as thrilled when your clock tower is up as we are with ours. Best wishes. DLC.
