
Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Dubbo Chronicles ... 2nd Road Trip

Last week I was away again on another work trip, travelling round various new emergency departments and gathering feedback from them about their designs (what works well, what they wouldn't do again, and why). We start the schematic phase our plans for the new department next month, so it was important we concluded all our R&D this month. Which has meant that I have got to see more of the state on my 1400km round trip.

It was a sunny morning when we set off from Dubbo, north towards Tamworth.

As we headed north the miles and miles of arid land started to green up a little...
 Above: View just outside Coolah.

Below: View around about Premer.

When we arrived in Tamworth we discovered it happened to be the Tamworth Country Music Festival week. So after a few hours at the ED there, we headed into town to grab a bite to eat and look around...

The awards for the festival include the Golden Guitar Award, hence the large golden guitar. It is somewhat obligatory to have one's photo taken next to the big guitar, so we did...

After an early night we set off at 7am for our next destination, Port Macquarie, on the east coast...

The scenery started off fairly similar to that of most of the western NSW area, but then little by little gave way to greener pastures and forest...
 Above and Below: Views soon after leaving Tamworth.

Below: Views as we started to enter the Cottan-Bimbang National Park.

There was a steady climb up hill as we went through the forest, which was full of ferns and eucalypts, including some quite old ones...

There were signs along the way warning drivers to beware of Kangaroos, Koalas and even Wombats.

Through the forest we started out descent to the plains of the east coast...

It was a lot greener on this side of the mountain range...

After arriving in the early afternoon and spending a couple of hours at the ED there, we took a break and I managed to go to the beach for the first time in 3 years I've been here...

Although there were a couple of beaches with marauding children and loud families (being school holidays), there were also several which were strangely devoid of people, even though the adjacent bays were heaving. 

This is Rocky Beach, just above Flynn's beach...

I took a coastal walk along all of the beaches...

The walk took me past Sea Acres Rainforest National Park...

Which is where I came across this strange bird on a track, which I've since found out is an Australian Brush Turkey...

Eventually I made it past Miner's beach up to tacking point light house...

The lighthouse is Australias 3rd oldest.

Tacking point was named by Matthew Flinders on his circumnavigation of Australia in 1802. 

Above: The original lighthouse plans.

I climbed down the hill on to the rocks to get closer to the crashing surf...

Having finished by coastal walk I headed inland and was surprised to find a field full of camels! Not what I was expecting, but evidently camel rides are quite popular.

The next morning we set of to Sydney to visit a further two EDs there.

It was a fine sunny morning, but the trip was long and the scenery unchanging. The road unfortunately does not follow the coast, due to the coves and peninsulas, and so it was the freeway all the way down to Hornsby.

Concluding our business for that day we checked into the hotel. What a view...
Above and below: The view from my bedroom window by day and by night.

The following day, after visiting our last ED we headed back west to Dubbo. It took us 6 hours, and as we drew closer to home it was clear a storm was setting in. We made it home before it started pelpting down with rain, and I managed to get some dramatic stormy pics as we drove...
Above and Below: Views near Lake Windamere.
 Above "Lone Tree 1"

Below: Stormy Hill
 Above: "Love Tree 2"

Above: "Rain on the horizon".

This coming week we are off on an overnight trip to Wagga Wagga, to see the new ED there, which has only been open for 2 weeks. It's great to learn from one's mistakes, but its even better to learn from those of others. Hopefully we can avoid many pitfalls in our new development by doing the rounds. 


  1. I saw Dubbo and Tamworth on tv tonight, just before seeing your photos in this blog post. Apart from the forest areas, I must say the landscape really did look vast, empty, brown and parched. Very Australian!

    1. Yes, most of the year it does look quite barren and inhospitable. With the occasional storm it greens up a bit. It makes me appreciate the lushness of Willowbrook all the more when I return home each month.

  2. Such a rich visual post, thank you, with lots of natural beauty in abundance.

    I particularly enjoyed seeing the lighthouse. I've always been partial to them (plenty in the UK and I've seen a few here in California too), and the one you featured is of a new design to me. Very handsome.

  3. It is a strange little lighthouse. I'm not used to them having buildings attached, but just being a lone tower. I think the most beautiful lighthouse I've seen is the lighthouse at Cordouan, which Michael Hampton blogged about here:
