
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Welcome to Spring, and Farewell to Your Host (for a while)...

Above: The vintage car in which the bride arrived for her wedding last weekend.

As you can see, the typical spring storms are here. This weekend was particularly bad, as the large storm had come across the ditch from Australia. Luckily the weather we had here has not been as bad as in parts of NSW and SA, where there have been torrential floods with peoples houses flooded, roads closed and people's lives changed forever.

The bluebells are out. I am enjoying starting to see the colour combinations come together, such as the lilac from the bluebells with the silver trunks of the Silver Birch Sp. Jacquemonte...

The Silver Pears adjacent to the Birch are just starting to bud up. You can see the storm brewing in the background over the manor. Luckily the weather held out for the wedding, and a 50th wedding anniversary. Everybody had a wonderful time.

The vineyard is starting to come into leaf as well, with some of the Plane trees along the drive greening up with clumps of daffodils still blooming below them.

On to other news. It's out with the old and in with the new. Your host must focus on obligations across in Australia for the next few months, so Peter will be running Willowbrook with the help of our new Business Manager, Mr William Stoneham...

Above: Bill (left) before one of the degustation dinners.

Below: Me, saying, "au revoir"...


  1. Hello lord Cowell,
    Every time you post the gardens and the house look more beautiful. Have a safe trip and don't work too hard in Australia.
    Big hug

  2. Dear David, you have taken some time off and I have just returned! We are just embarking upon our journey whilst you have completed the first stage of yours and may I say that your house looks wonderful! I hope you come back to writing your blog soon. Bye for now, Kirk.
