
Sunday, November 1, 2009


Now that we have moved on from the schematic planning phase with the architect, and are working on the detailed construction plans, we have been looking at the finer detailing on the building. We love the idea of having our family crest rendered upon the pediment of the front of the house, and probably the Stables and Chapel as well. There is a long history in architecture, especially that of English stately homes, to support such detailing. It is also a great way to add ornamentation to what would otherwise be a large triangular face without much decorative splendour!

Above and below: A cafe in Paris we visited last year. We loved the classical styling of The Orangerie, and it does have a gloriously detailed pediment.

Below: More examples of detailed pediments:

(Please excuse Tamara [the eldest daughter of Bernie Eccleston] )

We could possibly include our motto in Latin across the architrave

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