
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

20 Days til the Big Day...

I had my 'mock exam' yesterday - an 8 hour practice for the real thing in just under 3 weeks. My head at the moment feels like the blackboard above - over stuffed and disorganised. I know I've read everything, but trying to recall every detail that must be included is so difficult. The more I put in the more that falls out the other end!

I wouldn't say that yesterday was a wake up call, but I am redoubling my efforts in this sprint towards the finish line. I am also conscious of the fact that having shared my endeavours with you, my dear readers, that there will be a sense of embarrassment and shame should I fail!
So, no more blogging until after 15 February. However, I do have quite a few lovely posts to share afterwards.

À la prochaine fois,


  1. Rather you than me David, but I know that you will nail it & the College will have a very worthy new Fellow. Is there a viva component to it or is it all written?
    Millie x

  2. There is 8 hours of written exam on the 15th, comprised of various formats; then if One passes that One is invited to sit vivas etc in Melbourne 6 weeks later (they love to draw out the torture)! Still, if I get that far at least I get a small overseas holliday :-)

  3. Ha! I remember when my (then young) husband Joe was waiting for exams and then waiting for the results. We had two young children at the time and they didn't see their daddy _awake_ for the best part of three years.

    I am not sure if this is comforting or not, but all the royal colleges expect students to sit for exams more than once. It is normal, apparently.

    Bowl them over!!

  4. Thanks, I think :-) I will try to pass first time, as it does take up a huge chunk of your life, and family, friends and anything else is forced to go on the back burner. I would be shattered if I had to repeat them, although they do only have about a 50% pass rate first time round.
