
Monday, January 30, 2012

The Gentleman Shaver...

This year my family in Denver sent me an "Art of Shaving" travel pack for Christmas. Never having heard of this US brand before, I did some investigation - for consideration of inclusion in another Shaving Post for my upcoming "Manly March" series (after the exam). However, I thought 'just a little blog won't hurt'...

Here is one of their video clips I found amusing. You can find out more at the Art of Shaving website, and also on this great Men's interest blog, Ape to Gentleman.

Well, if it's good enough for Rog Fed...

1 comment:

  1. II am so glad I found your blog. It's so different from life in Minnesota. I love that you write about your estate, but also fashion and grooming tips for men (women take note) Thanks for being here!
