
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Terry Urban at Willowbrook...

The highly skilled NZ jade carver and photographer, Terry Urban, paid us a visit at Willowbrook the other week and took some photos of the gardens looking in quite a disarray...

The main project this Winter is to get the gardens in order for showing them off in Spring. They have been very neglected over the past year with study etc; but are now under going a spruce-up. We spent today trimming all the hedges - Peter driving the Range Rover along the hedge rows and I sticking out of the sun roof trimming the top 3 feet off the hedge with our new petrol hedgetrimmer. I'm sure it must have seemed a site to the neighbours.  

Above: Abandoned seats in the Potager 

Below: More of Terry Urban's Photography

Now with the hedges trimmed we shall move onto weeding and mulching, as well as planting another 300 Hornbeam, planting 200 Alders and 100 Silver Birches, guying up the Olives, and shifting a fejoa hedge.

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