
Monday, July 2, 2012

Tally Ho...

On Saturday I had a fantastic day. I went on my first NZ Hunt.
After finishing night shift at the hospital, We went out to Willowbrook. It had been the first cold night of Winter, with the temp going down to -5C. All the water troughs had a 1/4" of ice on the top of them...

but the twin kids born to Katie 2 days before were warm and well...
Katie with twin boy and girl kids just after giving birth on Thursday
After getting Rawdy groomed we set off to Te Miro, where the hunt was. It was a lovely drive up into the hills, only 20 miles from Willowbrook...

After getting all tacked up we surveyed the field, then had a stirrup cup with the master. The secretary was ever so welcoming and helpful in getting us ready.

Rawdy slipping on the icy mud
After all the frosts it turned out to be a lovely day...

I managed to jump the fence between the two white topped posts on the left of the photo. It was the first time Rawdy had jumped a wire fence.
As there are no foxes in New Zealand the hounds chase Hares as their quarry. There were 14 couples of hounds out that day. Unfortunately we didn't get any pics of them. They were very excited and 'gave tongue' loudly.

At the top of one of the hills - Rawdy starting to look a little wet after 2 hours of galloping about...

We covered some pretty awesome countryside, with lovely views, which Peter was able to enjoy from a 4 wheeler.

After 4 hours of hunting the field returned for the hunt breakfast and we made out way back to Willowbrook, with a very happy but tired horse in tow.

1 comment:

  1. That looked like so much fun and such pretty country, lucky you!
