
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Construction Progress: Week 12...

The masonry is almost up to the first floor. It is hard to get a scale of the Manor from the photos, and it certainly looks surprisingly small at this stage, but we are assured by many who have built houses before that they always look small when they are being built, and once they are finished and plastered they look more like one would expect. The width across the front of the house (below) is 36 metres (120 feet).

Below: View of the South Facade (Front of Manor House) from across the courtyard:
From left to right: Gold Drawing Room, Biliard Room, Foyer, China Room, and Dining Room.

Architect's Model and Elevation of same:

Below: Views of the North Facade:
Kitchen far left, Ballroom far right, and the Informal Entertainment Area in between, all opening out onto the North Terrace.

 Architect's Elevation of same:

Below: View of the West Facade, with the Ballroom on the left and Gold Drawing Room on the right The width of the manor in this view is 20 metres (66 feet):

 Architect's Elevation of same:

Below: The view of the East Facade, with Dining room on left and Kitchen on right:

Architect's Elevation of same:

 Above and Below: Panoramic views of the Informal Entertainment Area looking over the North Terrace

Below: 360 degree video of the Foyer


  1. oh great post -love seeing the photos put side to side with the drawings.

  2. Eetere 153Good to see the physical change afforded by the bricks (breeze blocks?) and mortar. How tantalising.

  3. Colliwat Farm:

    "It's coming along nicely. I especially like the ballroom aspect. You must be so excited to see things finally getting off the ground."

    Yes, very excited.
    Sorry with my iphone I accidentally hit the wrong link on my email and deleted you comment. Thank you again for following. David.

  4. Dear David,
    I am enjoying catching up on all the posts I have missed while away down south. I am particularly enjoying your posts on the construction of WBP. I see you are using breeze blocks. Is there a reason for this?
    I am interested because in the not so distant future we will be in the same boat as you although our plans are at the very beginning.
    Bye for now

  5. Hey Kirk, Thanks for stopping by the blog. Yes we ended up using breeze blocks for the construction as we wanted to have structural masonry. The first floor and roof are very heavy, consequently the walls need to be able to take a huge amount of weight. Tilt slab and steel girder was not a very attractive option and all the other options required timber framing i.e. cavity brick/stone was not structural. By having the blocks with re-enforcing rods through them, then having all the blocks filled with concrete we end up having a building envelop which has great insulating and sound proofing qualities, is reasonably priced, doesn't require framing, is not open to 'leaky building syndrome' and once rendered on either side by an inch of plaster should still give us the look we were after. They are 250mm wide, so a little thicker than the std 200mm blocks. You can get polystyrene filers to go in them if you want, but we were not convinced of that over the solidity of the concrete in fill.

  6. Dear David,
    Interesting. I am going to keep what you say in mind as we begin to plan, design and work out what materials to use. I had thought of polystyrene blocks filled with concrete, having seen this in action in the Netherlands, and heard about it from others. I would most definitely go with the concrete filler though.
    Thanks and bye for now
