
Friday, November 8, 2013

Dubbo Chronicles. No 13...

Well, it's probably time for another Dubbo update, as a lot has happened over the past few months!

At present the NSW forest fires have died down, but they did get close enough to spread a veil of smoke over Dubbo (see the photo above). The temperatures don't show any signs of letting up however, with the past few weeks being in the 30s (90F). It is sure to only get hotter in the months ahead.

Meanwhile I have accepted a promotion at work, to Director of Emergency Medicine Training, with which comes quite a bit more work and will see me staying in Dubbo for at least 3 years. Peter and I talked about it, and it was an offer too good to refuse. The past 9 months have flown by, and we are sure that the next 28 will do the same. I am going to start flying back to NZ more next year – aiming to return every 6 weeks for a long weekend.

With my promotion comes some additional training, so I am off to Melbourne for a couple of days next week which will be nice, and I am also going down to Adelaide later this month for a conference, which I am really looking forward to. Peter is flying over from NZ to meet me there, and we are both hoping to catch up with Ms Millie from The Laurel Hedge.

I've also received my first formal invitation to a party, which luckily is the night before I fly off to Adelaide. ..

The dress code is 'Formal Chic' – luckily I still have some of the clothes that I bought in London with me. There is not a lot of call for black tie in Dubbo – the last time I went to an event in Dubbo I was well over-dressed, but then as Oscar Wilde said...

This year will also be the first Christmas that Peter and I have been apart since we were married, which will be rather odd. It is always my favourite time of year for so many reasons. Still, the plan is for me to work this Christmas in Dubbo, so that I can have next Christmas to return to NZ, where Peter and I can celebrate our first Christmas in WBP, surrounded by our extended family and friends.

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