
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas one and all, near and far. Well, It's almost another year of blogging over again at WBP. Thank you to everyone who has followed, commented, supported us, or just dropped in from time to time to catch up. As followers will know, it has been a year of tremendous change, with immigrating to Australia for work, and finally after many years of planning, beginning construction on WBP. Looking back I still can't believe it has all come together as well as it has.

But it will also be a very different Christmas this year. This year I won't be surrounded by my family and friends on Christmas day; I won't be attending Midnight Mass at St Peter's for the first time in 10 years; I won't be sharing 1am mince tarts and sherry with my friends afterwards; and I won't be playing my traditional "Driving home for Christmas"on my way back from work...

Instead I will be working the late shift in ED right through the festive period, and coming home to listen to "I miss you most at Christmas time"...

But all this will be worth while when we can celebrate next year, once again surrounded by all my loved ones, and at WBP for the first time. So here's wishing you all a truly happy and love-filled Christmas, [especially Peter and Willoughby!]



  1. Merry Christmas to you both and here's to more blogging in the New Year!

  2. All the very best for a happy Christmas, and what a joy for you (and us) to see Christmas 2014 in the big house.
