
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Summer Camp for Sir Rawdon...

Sir Rawdon is going off to Summer camp to help children learn how to ride. It will be fun for him to socialise with other horses and get some more exercise, but also will be great for the children. The summer camp is run by friends of ours, and is called Hikumutu.

"Hikumutu camps (originally Happy Valley) were founded in 1974, when teenager Val Murray had the dream of growing her own Christian horse-riding camps, giving youth nationwide an opportunity to enjoy real country riding and a loving Christian community. In 2001 Revs Val and Lance Riches moved the camps to their family farm to enjoy the bush, hills, rivers and mountain views of the King Country. The Hikumutu Lodge was established and the dream had become a legacy through the hard work and prayers of many…"

Photos and history from the Hikumutu website.

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