
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Great Country Estates of Britain Series: Holkham Hall Revisited 4 of 5

Here are some more photos from Holkham, of bookcases, libraries and studies...
Above: Vestibule with bookcases

Below: Classical overmantel

Below: Close up of  the bookcases above.

The Classical Library

This was the original library and study of Lord Leicester, created around 1816. Originally he housed many of his books in his bedroom, and stored additional prints in one of the towers. Around 1816 he gathered his collections together and formed a library out of the anteroom to his bedroom. Some of his personalised bound books can be seen below.

Paintings in the classical library...

Detail of column going into the long library...

The Long Library

This was one of the more personal spaces in the hall and is still used by the family. It was designed by William Kent. 

There is a lovely mosaic of a lion (close up below) above the fireplace. To the left of the fireplace is another secret door.

Above and below: Tables of personal photos and object dárt. It was one of the weirder experiences of the tour, because looking around other houses, and Holkham up until this room, one felt like one was in a museum and rather detached from the owners. This room was clearly still inhabited, and it felt more like visiting an open home.


  1. I love the photos of the classical library. I could easily spend days in there, lost in reading.

    Thank you for sharing your marvelous photos with us.

  2. Dear David,
    As a Librarian myself, I have a naturally inclination to books and the places in which they are stored. I love the Long Library. The style of bookshelves and architraves reminded me very much of the library at (I think) Belton.
