
Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Great Country Estates of Britain Series: Holkham Hall Revisited 3 of 5

In this post we shall visit some of the hall's grand bedrooms and the north state drawing room. The first room is The Parrot Room. I love this room. It has been the inspiration for the Chatsworth suite, and is named for the painting of the parrots and macaws to the right of the bed.

Above: The bed

Below: The painting from which the room takes its name

The room is located in the strangers wing, so named because it is where guests stay, to this day. It is decorated in rich red and gold velvet damask on both the walls and the canopied bed.

Above: Detail of the bed and walls

Below: The apex of the canopy as viewed when lying in bed

Below: Gilt electric candle sconces

The parrot room has an adjoining bathroom, which is not decorated en suite, but with a variety of tapestries and Edwardian fittings...

Above: The bath with Edwardian 'telephone' tap fittings, a retro-plumbed wash stand and a commode.

Below: Detail from one of the tapestries - a man picking apples for his beloved.

The next bedroom is the Green State Bedroom, which was designed by William Kent, right down to the furniture.
Above: A panorama of the room

Below: The full tester bed with the OTT Earl's coronets on the canopy.

The room is lined with baroque tapestries

The painting above the fire (below), Gavin Hamilton's Jupiter caressing Juno, was considered too lewd to be on display for Queen Mary's visit, so it is reported that they hid it in the attic.

I can not reacall the name of this state bedroom (perhaps someone out there may know). 

Above and Below: The bed, with it's gilt three feather detail.

Below: My favourite thing about this room - the hidden door...

The North State Sitting Room
Below: details of the four Brussels tapestries in the North State sitting room. They depict the sun's annual progress through the zodiac. The were bought by Lady Leicester in 1759 for 134GBP. Today they would be irreplaceable.

1 comment:

  1. Dear David,
    I am enjoying reading this series.
    I'll take the State Bed and the wonderful bath! I have never been to Holkham but I feel that we should rectify that deficiency in our travels.
    Bye for now,
